Two whole weeks of Nothing

Well not quite nothing, I have been to my fitness class the last two Tuesdays, but apart from that, nothing . In my last post I was doing so well, fitting the run things in around all the other things. There is only one problem with that; it is very easy to let the other things get bigger and not quite manage to fit the run things in. To start with, it felt good. I was giving my body a rest. Because maybe I had been pushing things a little too hard with all those fitting in bits here and there, and it felt like everywhere. And as I've said before, I'm not that person who can do everything; possibly I was trying too hard... The second week of nothing, though, I started to feel a bit scratchy. Now I couldn't fit things in and I was starting to resent it, and get grumpy. But the pattern of that first week off held for the second. There are lots of reasons why I couldn't quite get out there. We have a provisional move in date for the new house (yay!), whi...