Throw away those scales!

About, ummm, maybe 6 weeks or so ago, I'm not sure, my scales ran out of batteries. And they were warning me for about 4 weeks before that that the batteries were low, so I can't say that I haven't had plenty of opportunity to get a new battery. But I haven't. Generally I am a religious scales watcher, every morning before breakfast, watching myself track up and down, being happy with the losses and working out the whys or justifying the gains. The scales in question, relegated to the far corner of the bathroom. But in the last however long it has been, I have found a kind of freedom in not doing that. I have begun thinking that it is not about numbers when I measure my fitness and health, or at least, not about those numbers. I kindof started feeling this way when I was getting compliments for looking trim, but it was because although I was running, I was in the throes of worrying about the blue small person, and so not eating properly, and I was...