Flying beneath the radar

I was going to write a completely different post, and I might try to get to that one next week, but a couple of things have happened this weekend, just small things, but significant, that have made me think that I might do a bit of reflecting about well-being right now.

The first of those things was that I ran into a friend that I hadn't seen for quite a long time outside the supermarket; we're both local and up until ... actually I'm not sure exactly when, we have both been going to the same fitness group, but we just haven't seen each other at all this year. In the catch-up that we had, we discovered what each other has been doing and just why we had no idea what each other was doing and it came from a comment that I hadn't been blogging and posting for a while, so what was I up to...?

Then, this afternoon, I read my boss's blog (Principal Possum) and began to feel a bit inspired, and to feel that I too might have turned a corner in the things that have had to be dealt with in the last while.

My conclusion from all that thinking is that health and well-being are the most important things, and really, if they aren't okay, then everything else just has to take a back seat until they are again. 

This week marks the first time that the blue small person has made it to school for a whole week this term, and although I can't be sure, I don't think there were any last term either. It has taken a very long time to work out what has been wrong (thankfully we finally have him on medication that is working and making a difference!) and in the meantime I have had said blue small person asleep under my desk at work, on a beanbag, a couple of days a week; numerous medical appointments at whenever they tell us to be there; and random days off when it all just got a bit hard - and not only for him, I ended up being sent home on what was effectively stress leave as well! 

Needless to say, my work has suffered and my organisation of pretty much anything else hasn't been any better. Luckily I have a very supportive workplace (you guys know who you are and hopefully how much I appreciate you!) and colleagues who have covered for me when I have had to blat down the road to collect the sick blue small person from his school, or needed to take him home. 

What this all comes back to, in my title, is that sometimes you do just need to step back from all that other stuff and just go under the radar until it is at least vaguely sorted out. The stuff that seems important, keeping up with all of the things, and all of the people, actually just isn't, and the people that matter will be the ones that understand, so that when you do re-surface, they'll still be there. There are some fluffy memes about all of that which keep going around all the social media, but under the fluffiness, there is an element of truth. 

I have been hiding under the radar. I'm still keeping my head down. But, mixing my metaphors in a very un-English-teacher-ish way, I think I might be able to pop my head above the parapet a bit now and see what has been happening in the rest of the world while I've been ignoring it. I'm certainly starting to feel more positive about the whole health and well-being situation, and that is the main thing. 

Make sure things are good for you yourself, and don't try to keep up with all of the other stuff if they aren't. It's okay to fall off everyone's radar for a bit, and it's also okay to have to rely on other people for things you would usually be fine doing yourself. 

It's hard to admit that the big plan for world domination might be a bit much just now, but sometimes, you just have to. 


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