Starting Again

We've all been there - an injury or two, a promotion or busy time at work, chasing round after kids, just life getting in the way - and suddenly, that base line of fitness that you have is just gone and you need to start all over again.

Last weekend I weighed in at that somethingty-nine-point-nine just before a round number that I haven't been since I was pregnant, nearly 10 years ago. It was a shock. Even though I had been watching the weight slowly but surely creep on, I still wasn't prepared for it to actually get to that.

Often, we need that sort of a surprise to get motivated. We think, it's okay, it's only a couple of kilos, I can sort that. But then it isn't, and we're not quite sure what happened.

As I was staggering around a local 5km circuit this afternoon, I was thinking about what I am going to do.

I don't intend to get super-fit, to compete in anything, to make fitness the centre of my life, like so many of those get fit gurus out there. That's where the reason part of it all comes in. I have a family, a job, and a house-build going on. Those things are important and I can't neglect them, just drop everything.

What I do intend is to be healthy, to be able to go out for a run and not die, to eat well and feel good, to wear clothes comfortably and not feel that they're too tight. 

This intention needs a plan, and that is what I will be going through in the next weeks. I will let you know my plans, my goals, my actions and my achievements, as well as the ideas that anchor those things. Recording all of that here will be my accountability.

Good luck to me, and to you if you would like to join me.

#fityou #fitforlife #startover #fitandhealthy


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