Who inspires you?

I need real people to inspire me. 

I know that those inspirational speakers and sportspeople know what they are saying and doing, and that it probably is true - but to me that isn't real. This blog is about health and fitness for real people, and to me, those who are paid to do it are lucky that it has worked out for them to be doing what they are passionate about and believe in, but I just can't relate to what they are saying and doing as it is so far removed from my life and experience.

Let me tell you about some people who do inspire me:

The first is a colleague at work, Andrea. Andrea puts up her Endomondo posts on Facebook because for her, getting out there and running at all is in itself an achievement. I'm not sure if she actually enjoys it, yet (see what I did there, HPSS people?), but she keeps going, making small improvements and passing milestones, and most of all, she perseveres. Keeping going with running is harder for Andrea than for me, and that is why, when I feel like I can't be bothered, I look at what she does in admiration, and then go and do something myself.

I think that people who do stuff that is hard for them are much more inspirational than those for whom it comes easily. They are the ones who show why it is the right thing to do, and they bring the attitude that will keep both themselves and others going. 

The second is my boss, Maurie. Having recently moved into a new, higher, age bracket, Maurie just keeps going. He delights in being outside and doing challenging things. He montain-bikes, kayaks, runs, and adventure races, amongst other things. And he does it for no-one except himself. I really admire this, because he fits all of this into a very challenging and busy work schedule as well, and has a real balance in what he does, as well as pushing himself to his best for everything. I freely admit that I don't have his dedication, but I think the inspiration that I get here is that I can see what is possible, and real.

I think that people who do stuff because they really want to do it, for themselves and the satisfaction it gives them, are also much more inspirational than those who do it for some sort of other gain. Those other gains are valid, but they don't mean anything to me, whereas someone who does something for the pure pleasure they feel has all the right things to make me feel that I can do things to make me feel good too.

The third is my mum, Jessie. I've mentioned mum before because she is who I want to grow up to be like. Recently (3 years ago) she had a fight with cancer, and won it, and now she is back out there. In May, she is going to walk the Whitianga half-marathon, and I am going to run it with her. Mum is out there walking not only because she enjoys being out there, but because she knows it is a good thing to do. She has always been my role model for doing the right thing and making the right choices and this is just as much in health and fitness as any other aspect of life. 

I suspect (and hope) that for many of us, our parents are the ones we look to for inspiration, because if they've done their job right, we're doing okay too. People who are close to us, whether it is our parents, significant others, or someone else, should and will always inspire us to be our own best, and that is the most real inspiration of all.

I don't need the internet gurus, I enjoy but don't rely on the Ted, and other, talks. My inspiration comes from real people doing real things that have real meaning. 

I hope that you have people who can make your dreams and goals seem real for you too.


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